Legacy Plaza is a cultural and educational facility under development in Mills County, Texas focused on honoring and celebrating early Native American history and life in the region. I was brought in to help improve the site and expand it with new features.
After familiarizing myself with the project and its goals and evaluating the existing site we set out to better inform site visitors about Legacy Plaza and to place a greater focus on generating support and raising donations. A secondary concern is the need for the site to adapt and change as continued progresses is made on Legacy Plaza.
To successfully accomplish these goals we changed almost everything about the site except its visual design. Working with the project founder and a copywriter I restructured the site's content and navigation. At the same time I rebuilt the site's underlying architecture to conform with modern HTML and CSS standards for better site performance, accessibility, cross-browser support, and search engine indexing. I also integrated extensive custom scripting with PHP. Together these changes greatly improve the maintainability of the site and make it easier to expand and improve the site moving forward.
Specific improvements and additions to the site include :